Stefan Judis
March 3, 2021
18:00 – 20:00

Build and Set Up Your Private Instagram using Contentful and Gatsby

Build a Gatsby/Contentful site from scratch to upload, manage and edit your photos without touching any code.
Stefan Judis
Stefan Judis
Sr. Manager, DevRel, Contentful
Shy Ruparel
Shy Ruparel
Developer Evangelist, Contentful
Benedikt Rötsch
Benedikt Rötsch
CTO, techboi GmbH

Build your first Jamstack photo site with Gatsby + Contentful! Gatsby's component-based React framework meshes perfectly with Contentful's approach to handling content as components. Contentful's simple, user-friendly web interface allows easy uploading and placement of your photos in sophisticated page layouts, without ever touching any code. In this workshop, you'll see how quick and intuitive it can be to set up a Gatsby site from scratch and connect it to Contentful, delivering the ultimate developer experience: speed, flexibility, and ease of integration.

About Your Instructor:

Stefan works in Contentful's Developer Relations and quickly fell in love with web performance, new technologies, and accessibility. He is also a curator of the web performance online resources Perf Tooling and Tiny helpers, contributes to a variety of open source projects, and enjoys sharing nerdy discoveries.


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