Kevin Miller
March 2, 2021
23:30 – 23:55

Gatsby for Emergency Response: Lessons from The COVID Tracking Project

How do you build a data-intense site for millions of users in less than a month? Learn what Kevin did for The COVID Tracking Project.
Kevin Miller
Kevin Miller
Website Lead, The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic

The COVID Tracking Project started as a few friends and a Google Spreadsheet. Within a month, it became a critical piece of data infrastructure for millions of users. As Website Lead on the project, Kevin Miller selected Gatsby very early on to quickly build and maintain the site that continues to rapidly evolve to meet the day’s crisis while allowing hundreds of contributors to make constant and frequent updates.

In Kevin's talk, you'll learn about the infrastructure his team's project requires to maintain transparency, stability, and manual review of data publishing plus the methods they use to ensure their data will still work in 10 or 20 years — even if the web becomes a very different place.

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