Frederick Fogerty
March 3, 2021
19:00 – 20:00

Supercharge Your Images on Gatsby with imgix

Learn how the new imgix plugin for Gatsby can help decrease build times and increase responsiveness.
Frederick Fogerty
Frederick Fogerty
Software Engineer, imgix

The new imgix plugin for Gatsby can help decrease build times, increase responsiveness, and unlock the power of imgix's optimization and design parameters. Images provided by Gatsby source plugins, such as Contentful, provide data that is accessed via Gatsby's GraphQL API with images that are stored on the internet. See how to offload image rendering to the imgix cloud instead, freeing you from doing complex local image transformations and significantly shortening your build times. Also learn how you can get faster load times and reduced bandwidth usage, thanks to imgix's cloud rendering stack's ability to offer images close to the source resolution of your user's browser.


Basic familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JS

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